Campus Life - Student Counseling Centre
The Student Counselling Centre is arranged for the students to help them. Having joined in a professional course, student may face a number of difficulties in different situations that place several demands on them physically and psychologically. Sometimes they might feel too stressed on their studies and in day-to-day life. That is the time for them a Student Counsellor can be of help. Our College has allotted a Student Counsellor for each year from 1st BDS to Final Year and CRRIs. Talking and Sharing to a Counsellor would relieve their tensions and thus help them their regular activities. There may be certain issues that are very personal and are interfering with their work and normal functioning. Sometimes Student Counsellor may not be able to understand them. Being away from home into a new environment can also put the student in a distressing situation. A Peer Counsellor can help them to feel more curator comfort zone and provides total privacy to students who need guidance and counselling. All matters discussed are kept strictly confidential. Under each counsellor 10 Mentors are taking care of students (each mentor will take care of 10 students). Weekly Grievance meetings are conducted.